Character Sheet Upgrade

Made quite a few changes today, some are function and others are cosmetic changes that I want in place before the PvP rollout.

  • The left hand pane should load less often. This should help with some of the ‘flickering’. If you catch it not reloading when it has new information to display, let me know.
  • Striking with an empty Chain now gives you a new hand of five Techniques. I think this might give open up some interesting options, but give feedback if you have an opinion either way. Consider it an experiment.
  • The character sheet (the screen accessed from the Character link in the top pane) got an overhaul. Notably, Equipment has been moved solely to the Inventory page to make room for the Gang/PvP information.
  • You can now change the capitalization of your character’s name. No more all-lower-case for you! Click on your name in the character sheet to make any changes.
  • Moved gender into the character sheet from the initial sign-up form. If you care what gender your character is, you can set that in your character sheet as well. This is mostly for avatars and pronouns in descriptions for the upcoming PvP stuff.


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