Implimented a whole slew of player suggestions today, including a bunch from the Suggestion Thread on the Forums. Here’s the list of changes:
- The inventory now has two columns. If this gives anyone problems, be sure to send me a message. Thanks to Nytmare for the suggestion and to ACM for pointing out when I broke inventory trying to get this working.
- If you’re fighting multiple targets, your current target will say “(Targeted)” when you mouseover their portrait. You may need to clear your cache to see this change. Thanks to MoreUmlaut for the suggestion here.
- The skill Ghoultouched got a power boost. It now scales as you go through the game. Thanks to Lord Finisher for pointing out it wasn’t really up to snuff.
- When you go into the Techniques screen for the first time after receiving more Techniques, those Techniques will be bolded. Good suggestion, Nytmare!
- Larry will now clarify his somewhat cryptic comment about Purification, if you so desire. Argeth pointed out this opportunity.
- PaidPiedPiperPal suggested so many things they get their own section: Old Pill Bottles have a few new options, you can know bind defeated Twisted Hounds, the containment suit will protect you even falling in Lake Metroplex, Andrea will help you even if you go unconscious in her fight (but not if you run), and fortune cookies now give, ya know, fortunes. Extra thanks to PaidPiedPiperPal for all the good suggestions!
- Also cleared up a bunch of typos thanks to Argeth, The Kitchen Sink, Nosside, Metro, Mag, A Naked Jew, and ACM. Thanks everyone!
Keep an eye here and on the forum over the next couple days, because I’m going to be looking for input on features and what order people want stuff tackled.
Tags: A Naked Jew, ACM, Argeth, Lord Finisher, Mag, Metro, MoreUmlaut, New Features, Nossidge, Nytmare, Skills, Techniques, The Kitchen Sink, Vholes Piper