Technique Changes and Random Fixes

A big change in how Techniques work today, which I’ll explain before I get into the other changes.

There’s a new special Technique called ‘Do Nothing.’ This is a filler, used for two purposes.

  • First is when you’ve run out your deck and don’t have any Techniques to draw left. This change lets you use the entirety of your deck before having to run away, which is pretty cool. The suggestion for this half came from The Kitchen Sink.
  • The other half is that it’s automatically inserted into any deck below fifteen cards to get it up to fifteen cards. I chose fifteen because it’s large enough and half the starting deck size (so you can strip out all the Ranged, for example), but it might move up or down in the future.

And now for other changes!

  • The Technique page has been totally reformatted. Trying to find a good balance between space and information. Tell me what you think, particularly about it breaking between Chain numbers.
  • Brutality, although still trickier to get than before, can now be gained even if you get beaten up. Good suggestion, shademaster00.
  • Drive Demand encounters now give explicit feedback to the new Demand level. Thanks for the suggestion, The Kitchen Sink.
  • The smuggler, like the Medicine Cabinet, will now indicate if you’ve already used it. The option from the list will also now disappear, unless that causes problems. Good idea, Mag.
  • Both mail responses and deck names should handle single quotes (‘) better. Thanks The Kitchen Sink and Olaf, respectively.
  • Also, mail responses will no longer chain on Re:’s forever and ever. Nobody complained about it, but it bugged me so I fixed it. Thanks Kinak :D
  • Getting a Broken Bone at the end of a fight won’t result in getting negative hit points. Thanks for the bug report, Jick!
  • The quest log entry for the Ghost Ship quest should now clear properly for new people helping the shaman. Thanks for the bug report Man Mobile.
  • Also, thanks for some typo reports from Mag and Argeth.

I have an interview this afternoon, but will hopefully still be able to make a couple of gang interface updates I’ve been planning.
