Made a couple changes to unearthly items (no worries, they’re all good) and some bug fixes.
- You can now run your fingers through your luxurious Feathered Cloak when equipped. Good suggestion, Mag!
- The Cheater’s Line and Challenge Hook were buffed. Merry Christmas!
- Corrected a bug preventing Dynamite from blowing up the wall into the Underground Asylum. Thanks, Plus4
- Fixed the anticipated ton of bugs resulting from the combat update last weekend. Thanks to Wyrd, Mag, Argeth, and DerMagus!
- Becoming a prospective Third Eye member should now show up in your Completed Quests. Good eyes, Glass!
- Also corrected some typos, thanks to Llamaman, xKiv, and Mag.
Also, I’m considering changing how choose your powder to pour into the puzzle box. It’d go from a traditional choice into a dropdown. They’d lose their individual responses, but it’d be way easier for me to add more in the future. If that’d bother anyone, please speak up.
Tags: Argeth, DerMagus, Glass, Llamaman, Mag, Plus4, Unearthly Items, Wyrd, Xkiv