Posts Tagged ‘Arkaim’

Little Fixes

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Just fixing a couple little things here and there. Don’t mind me.

  • Resuscitated the inventory screen after breaking it in what assuredly wasn’t an update. Thanks to Samael, Curtangel, and Vordrax for reporting that.
  • Also unbroke the Net, ironically enough. Thanks Factitious!
  • Fixed an issue where outfit messages about missing pieces were only showing up if you already had all the pieces you possess equipped. Thanks for diving into that confusion, Vholes!
  • Flipping your coin, if you know what I mean, should now work in the proper areas before you oust the Fangs, rather than the Sewers. Good catch Arkaim!
  • Cleared up some ancient javascript to increase compatibility. Thanks for bringing that up, Llamaman.
  • Shining Blade now salvages into its correct components. Good eyes, Amasius.

Also, in non-bug news, I raised the length limit on character descriptions. You can thank Francis Vixen for that.

And fixed up a bunch of typos thanks to Liasi, Rxzambrana, Mag, Arkaim, and Argeth.


Part of a Netricious Breakfast

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

First off, there are a couple of new options in the Net screen:

  • Targets can now be individually removed with the aptly named “Delete Link” option.
  • Target Search and Intrusive Search can now be run directly from the Net screen.

And some updates:

  • When modifying a deck to contain less than 15 Techniques, it will now tell you exactly how many you have. Good catch, Al.
  • Bonuses to Combat XP now apply even if you’re beating up poor defenseless creatures that don’t grant any XP on their own. Thanks Cank!
  • OmniMall will now appropriately interpret commas when you’re using it to launder fat sacks of cash. Good thought, Al!
  • In theme with our updates, you can no longer anti-hack the Prototype Trenchcoat into giving you negative energy of Sloppy Hacker. Thanks for the bug report, Al!

Also corrected some typos from Vordrax, Mag, Francis Vixen, Xerf, Cryptodynamic, DerMagus, and Arkaim. Thanks, everyone!


New Year’s Cleaning

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new, as they always say. In this case, the old are bugs and typos. And the new are probably more bugs and typos… but different bugs and typos so it works out.

  • Added additional feedback about status in the Lo’s Investigation quest. Thanks Kazimir and Jesse!
  • Learning deeper poetic truths now gives you a message mentioning the item upgrade. Good suggestion, mr_stark.
  • Corrected an error where seasonal reset prizes might get handed out early. Wooo! Go Factitious!
  • Roomsweeper now interacts with Shotgun Blast. And all is right with the world. Thanks, Mag!
  • Clarified the error message when you try to view an item from someone’s profile that isn’t wearing that item any longer. Don’t worry if that didn’t make sense, but thanks to Argeth for cleaning up that little corner of Metroplexity.
  • And fixed up a bug from trading for mushrooms that’s been hanging around since the Docks Quest update. Good catch, Wiegieman!

And thanks to Xerf, Metro, Striper, Argeth, elliotbay, Arkaim, Mag, rxzambrana, and especially Factitious for nailing down some typos.
