Posts Tagged ‘Xkiv’
Tuesday, October 19th, 2010
Have a couple of crafting changes, along with some catchup on bug reports from the con.
First off, crafting:
- There is now a “simple” crafting section. For the moment it just contains paper mache recipes. But that means there are paper mache recipes.
- Also, any recipe that you know but can’t be used due to a special requirement will say as much. Thanks for the suggestion, Llamaman.
And some bug fixes:
- Having three enemies in hacking no longer breaks targeting. I can’t imagine where Vholes Piper could have run into such vicious defenses.
- Corrected an old bug where Hawk would try (and fail) to attack you upon joining up. Thanks for the bug report, TheManStark!
- Fixed a few errors in the Sewer Hideout with choices giving inappropriate results. Thanks to Xerf and xKiv for reporting those.
- Arthur won’t try to decrypt the PDA once he’s already figured it out anymore. Good catch, RazielSonofKain!
- Corrected a problem with the Twisted Raven’s Withering Gaze, thanks to Vholes Piper.
Also corrected a parcel of typos from Metro, Vholes Piper, Llamaman, Metro, TeKRunneR, Argeth, and Tullus. Thanks everyone!
Tags: Argeth, Llamaman, Lyz, Metro, razielsonofkain, TekRunner, TheManStark, Tullus, Vholes Piper, Xerf, Xkiv
Posted in Updates
Tuesday, October 5th, 2010
Okay, a couple of friendly additions for new players today:
- There are now combat hints from when you start out to when you start including new techniques in your deck. This covers basic Chain creation, some strategy, and interface stuff.
- There’s also a backstory blurb when you first log in (or reset).
The combat hints won’t fire if you have hints turned off in the account preferences. If you want to see them as an existing player, turn those on, then switch to a deck with the four basic techniques.
If you want to see the new blurb, go to Southside :)
Also fixed some bugs:
- Corrected an ancient issue causing negative duration buffs. Thanks Llamaman!
- Officer Stone can now be unlocked properly again. Thanks for doublechecking with me, Xerf, I appreciate it.
- Pain Incarnate can now hurt you. Thanks for the bug report, Cryptodynamic.
And some typo fixes thanks to xKiv, Cryptodynamic, Sir Cheddar, Metro, Mag, Argeth, Glass, Happy Yeti, and Vholes Piper. Seriously! Nine players! Go go team typokiller!
Tags: Argeth, Cryptodynamic, Glass, Happy Yeti, Llamaman, Mag, Metro, New Players, Sir Cheddar, Vholes Piper, Xerf, Xkiv
Posted in New Features
Thursday, August 26th, 2010
Going through a polishing some things, a mix of bug reports and things I mentioned during yesterday’s podcast.
Here’s the list:
- Chemistry papers work differently and give a somewhat different set of recipes. Thanks for the nudge from TeKRunneR.
- Basically every pearl and pearl-related item in the game works properly thanks to Cryptodynamic, Lord of Pearls and Master of the Depths.
- The Biotech and Student PDAs are now salvageable. Good suggestion, Llamaman.
- Capacitor Arrays are now consumed rather than produced out of the ether when using the Protein Analyzer. Thanks to Plus4 and Cryptodynamic.
- Corrected some weirdness in Dr. Amundsen’s conversations if you dove straight into the Survivors’ Quest. Good catch, TeKRunneR!
- Fixed up some weirdness with shark attacks (being, the attacks they use not when they attack… er, yeah). Thanks for the bug report, Argeth!
- In A Pit is now visually declared as a buff. Thanks, Al.
- And we’ve got an interesting range of typo fixes from Llamaman, Mag, xKiv, and Glass. Thanks!
Tags: Al, Argeth, Cryptodynamic, Glass, Llamaman, Mag, Plus4, TekRunner, Xkiv
Posted in Updates
Monday, August 9th, 2010
So, I’m back from the best four days in gaming and caught up on bug reports. Also sick as a dog, which is how this tends to work.
- One of the branches of David’s quest wasn’t completing properly. Thanks for the bug report, xKiv!
- The buffs from Cinematic Dodge had been broken for a while but should be working now. Good eyes, TeKRunner!
- The Cured Shark Hide is craftable. Good catch, Sir Cheddar!
- Burning Ectoplasm actually does damage like it’s supposed to. Thanks Cryptodynamic!
- On a totally unrelated note, you can no longer take negative damage from things like Burning Ectoplasm. Thanks Llamaman!
- Fixed some quirks resting in the lake. Thanks for the bug reports, Vholes and Der Magus!
Also, thanks to Mag, Argeth, Llamaman, Vholes Piper, Cryptodynamic, Nyther, Amasius, Happy Yeti, TeKRunner, borkman, and Al for help sorting out some Survivors’ typos. So… many… typos.
Tags: Al, Amasius, Argeth, Borkman, Cryptodynamic, Der Magus, Happy Yeti, Llamaman, Mag, Nyther, Sir Cheddar, TekRunner, Vholes Piper, Xkiv
Posted in Bug Fixes
Sunday, June 13th, 2010
Made a couple changes to unearthly items (no worries, they’re all good) and some bug fixes.
- You can now run your fingers through your luxurious Feathered Cloak when equipped. Good suggestion, Mag!
- The Cheater’s Line and Challenge Hook were buffed. Merry Christmas!
- Corrected a bug preventing Dynamite from blowing up the wall into the Underground Asylum. Thanks, Plus4
- Fixed the anticipated ton of bugs resulting from the combat update last weekend. Thanks to Wyrd, Mag, Argeth, and DerMagus!
- Becoming a prospective Third Eye member should now show up in your Completed Quests. Good eyes, Glass!
- Also corrected some typos, thanks to Llamaman, xKiv, and Mag.
Also, I’m considering changing how choose your powder to pour into the puzzle box. It’d go from a traditional choice into a dropdown. They’d lose their individual responses, but it’d be way easier for me to add more in the future. If that’d bother anyone, please speak up.
Tags: Argeth, DerMagus, Glass, Llamaman, Mag, Plus4, Unearthly Items, Wyrd, Xkiv
Posted in Updates
Thursday, May 13th, 2010
Recipes are now remembered over resets. The way this works is very specific, so I’m going to explain it so there isn’t any confusion.
Any recipe that can be learned through experimentation is saved when you reset. Those recipes are then restored when you gain the ability to perform that type of experimentation (so, when you get your electrical kit or learn experimental chemistry).
So recipes that are only learned through other sources (like items or NPCs) are not remembered. And you don’t get chemistry recipes back just because you got a chemistry kit. I included these exceptions to allow crafting to create game-defining items and play a role in the main quest line, so they’re not bugs or oversights.
Other Stuff
- On a related note, recipes you don’t meet the requirements for are now disabled. This mostly comes up with coding, but who can say where its tentacles extend?
- Resolved an issue where multiple recipes for the same end result weren’t displaying. Thanks for the bug report, Ricket!
- Revamped the Undying Heart skill from the new quest. In addition to it’s previous hidden stuff it has some neat new hidden stuff and slightly less obvious stuff. Thanks for the suggestion, Argeth!
- Went through and added some meat to Ghoultouched, including some very old suggestions about it interacting with drones. Also thanks to Cryptodynamic for helping me debug it in PvP.
- Gift messages can now extend to 240 characters. Happy Welcome Backing Vholes! And this should be the last time I extend those. It’s like two whole tweets :P
- We also have some typos from xKiv, Argeth, and Mag. Thanks!
Tags: Argeth, Beta Reset, Cannibalism, Crafting, Cryptodynamic, Mag, Recipes, Ricket, Updates, Vholes Piper, Xkiv
Posted in New Features
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009
We have a festive batch of interface updates and bug fixes today… most of which seem to involve gang warfare… hmmm…
- In possibly the most festive update, there is now a gift link in player’s profiles. Top notch suggestionf rom TekRunner.
- Chat now includes a /channel command that will tell you about which channels you’re in and which you could be in. Good suggestion, Wyrd.
- Also chat related, the long-standing request for doublepost prevention was taken care of. Thanks to Llamaman and The Kitchen Sink for getting this on the list a ways back.
- In “shopping” encounters with old coins, your number of old coins in inventory should appear before the choices. Good suggestion, Steaming.
- Corrected some database problems causing issues in PvP. Thanks for the bug reports Caradal, xKiv, and Pyren.
- Changed the Dock’s name in Gang Warfare. If that sets anything on fire, be sure to tell me. Thanks for pointing that out, Vholes.
- In another old request off the list, gang message and description changes are now displayed in the gang log in their own section. Thanks to The Kitchen Sink for that one.
- Also corrected some very festive typos with help from Plus4, Mag, Vholes Piper, and Factitious.
Tags: Caradal, Factitious, Llamaman, Mag, Plus4, Pyren, Steaming, TekRunner, The Kitchen Sink, Wyrd, Xkiv
Posted in Updates
Thursday, October 22nd, 2009
Lots of updates this week. I’ve been puttering around fixing stuff and haven’t gone back to actually post the list, so I apologize if I missed anything.
- Made some sneaky improvements to the riot quest. Good suggestions, Llamaman and Plus4.
- Lo should now respond to Dr. Amundsen’s death properly. Good catch, Soulmech.
- Hitting Enter will search the Mall properly now in Internet Explorer. Thanks for the bug report, Polygon.
- The Ghost Ship should now show up in Completed Quests. Good call, Llamaman.
- Fixed some weirdness with Mikhail acting as questgiver if you let Lo die. Good catches, Happy Yeti and Factitious.
- Targeting a hacking defense twice won’t make the targeting arrow go away anymore. Thanks Wyrd!
- Entering hacking from an encounter will now work properly if you only have 1 energy left. Good eyes, Happy Yeti.
- Corrected an issue with Time Bomb not entirely destroying defenses. Thanks JTN2002!
- I broke Kingly Favor and Ghoultouched with code for the new donation item. Thanks to xKiv, Bonbon, and Borkman for helping me track these down.
- Also corrected a whole load of typos thanks to Mag, plus4, Wyrd, PaidPiedPiperPal, Blarghgh, Jick, and Thrillhouse.
Also, bats.
Tags: Blarghgh, bonbon, Borkman, Factitious, Happy Yeti, Jick, JTN2002, Llamaman, Mag, Plus4, Polygon, Soulmech, thrillhouse, Vholes Piper, Wyrd, Xkiv
Posted in Updates
Thursday, October 8th, 2009
It occurs to me it’s been a bit since I posted the bug fixes. Here’s what we’ve got:
- Fixed a pair of bugs that were allowing descriptions to leak out early. Thanks Al and Cryptodynamic!
- In the process of fixing that, broke the description system in several novel ways (my favorite being that you couldn’t see your shirt’s description.) Thanks for the bug reports Cristiona, Edwahd, Nyther, Lord Finisher, Blarghgh, and PaidPiedPiperPal.
- Added some spaces where they were desperately needed. Good call, Ricket.
- Resolved an issue where the Energy on certain special fights was being charged up front. Good eyes, Lord Finisher.
- Continuing the theme, broke noncombats while I was in there. Thanks for the bug report, vandamien.
- Corrected an issue where you could lock yourself out of Mikhail’s reward for the Docks quest if Lo leaves before you take it. Good catch, xKiv!
- Also fixed an issue where certain hacking sites were giving away Christmas presents. In October! I know, it’s crazy :) Thanks, slyspawn!
- Thanks to RazielSonofKain and especially Mag for hunting down some typos for me.
Status on what I’m working on is: done with the crafting stuff I was dragging on (about five dozen items, some new buffs/techniques, and a bunch of skills). Next is dialogue for that branch, followed by a break working on other stuff you’ll see sooner to clear my head.
Tags: Al, Blarghgh, Bug Fixes, Cristiona, Cryptodynamic, Edwahd, Lord Finisher, Mag, Nyther, razielsonofkain, Ricket, Slyspawn, Vandamien, Vholes Piper, Xkiv
Posted in Bug Fixes
Friday, June 12th, 2009
Put in a fairly significant Gang Warfare update today, which I’ll try to explain below. Short version is that defending in Gang Warfare now involves actual fighting and less staring at non-combats.
How It Worked
Once you beat down the previous defenders in an area, you’d gain control through non-combats (which prepare fights for future challengers). Then, after a while, it stops queueing fights and you just get the delicious, delicious benefits.
The Change
Now, when someone is challenging control of your area by defeating your defenders, you need to actually beat them back down instead of just having another non-combat to repair the damage. Assuming you’re successful, you repair the damage just like the old non-combat would.
These new sort of queued fights also can transition over into Control when you take out the old controllers, so you might be able to skip the “gaining control” non-combats entirely.
So defenders in Gang Warfare get to actually fight people rather than hitting a bunch of non-combats. And so that there’s a little more symmetry between attacking and defending. Previously, there was nothing an attacker could do that the defenders couldn’t undo with a non-combat, where now, both sides win or lose in actual PvP.
Other updates for today:
- There were some SQL connection errors which have apparently been resolved by our hosts, but if you run into any more of those, give me a holler. Thanks to Thrillhouse and JTN2002 for reporting these.
- Resolved the PHP errors related to last night’s account preferences rollout. Thanks to Borkman, Lord Finisher, and Hastur the Unspeakable for isolating these.
- Recipes that you cannot complete due to missing components will now have their radio buttons greyed out. Good suggestion, Al and xKiv!
- And also thanks to Jick and Pyren for taking care of some typos for us.
Tags: Al, Borkman, Gang Warfare, Hastur the Unspeakable, Jick, JTN2002, Lord Finisher, PvP, Pyren, thrillhouse, Updates, Xkiv
Posted in Updates