Posts Tagged ‘Amasius’

This Was Halloween

Thursday, November 9th, 2017

Following Halloween and other madness, we’ve fixed a whole swarm of bugs. Let’s thank the ones who helped us get there! (more…)

Little Fixes

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Just fixing a couple little things here and there. Don’t mind me.

  • Resuscitated the inventory screen after breaking it in what assuredly wasn’t an update. Thanks to Samael, Curtangel, and Vordrax for reporting that.
  • Also unbroke the Net, ironically enough. Thanks Factitious!
  • Fixed an issue where outfit messages about missing pieces were only showing up if you already had all the pieces you possess equipped. Thanks for diving into that confusion, Vholes!
  • Flipping your coin, if you know what I mean, should now work in the proper areas before you oust the Fangs, rather than the Sewers. Good catch Arkaim!
  • Cleared up some ancient javascript to increase compatibility. Thanks for bringing that up, Llamaman.
  • Shining Blade now salvages into its correct components. Good eyes, Amasius.

Also, in non-bug news, I raised the length limit on character descriptions. You can thank Francis Vixen for that.

And fixed up a bunch of typos thanks to Liasi, Rxzambrana, Mag, Arkaim, and Argeth.


More Tweaks and Fixes

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

Been messing around with the interface some more and fixing bugs from my previous fiddling.

It occurs to me that I should also announce the new podcast questions thread where new players might see it. So…. there’s a questions thread for our next Podcast on the forums if you have any questions.

On the interface tweaks side:

  • Crafting now has the same sort of top bar as the inventory. Thanks for the suggestion, elliotbay!
  • All the encounters from Stolen Artistry should include an option to take you back to your character sheet. Credit for convincing me goes to xKiv and RazielSonofKain. Thanks!
  • The Housing screen will now be available while you’re absorbed in reading the Black Book. Good call, Mag!
  • Your skills list in the Survivors’ Reset board will now be sorted alphabetically if you’re sorting the main view to Unique Skills. Good thought, Amasius.
  • Bouncing to random profiles now only shows profiles that have logged in recently.

Also fixed a few bugs:

  • Items taken out of your inventory by outfits or suites won’t still be displayed on that pageload. Thanks for the bug report, ganymed!
  • Twisted Hounds have been trained to stop eating the “Continue On” options, thanks to ne0x and Joel_Fry.

And where would we be without some typo fixes, this time thanks to Al and Mag.


On a Roll

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Actually made a bunch of updates today… might even make more later. What can I say, not being sick agrees with me :)

  • Now, when you return from a long break, a new reset option (which works like a normal reset except for leaderboard purposes) is opened up. Basically, folks who come back from a break and have no earthly idea what they were doing can reset and work from a clean slate.
  • There’s a new front page banner. Yay! Thanks to Llamaman for the suggestion and to Puyo and Lyz for the implementation.
  • A new TV season has hit Metroplex, sprinkling the shows you know and love with a liberal coating of flavor. Props to Cryptodynamic for suggesting this when I had just gotten off the fence to do it.
  • Corrected an issue with the Chained Ghoul techniques. Thanks, Mag!
  • Skulls in Flame no longer have organs. Good eyes, Llamaman!
  • Also fixed some typos thanks to Amasius, TeKRunneR, Mag, Llamaman, and Cryptodynamic.


Little Fixes

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Have mostly been recovering from illness (curse you GenCon!) and the Survivors’ Quest (curse you Survivors!), but we’ve got some new fixes in place.

  • Cover Fire is being given out properly (not a broken weird copy). Thanks TeKRunner!
  • You can appropriately melt Achromatic Ingots back down with chemistry. Thanks for the chemistry madness, Vholes.
  • Most of the pearls can probably be sold now, single-handedly thanks to Cryptodynamic, Metroplex’s resident Pearl Baron.
  • Corrected a bug where you could switch gear and do all sorts of other stuff in the middle of a location-specific hacking encounter. Thanks Xerf, appreciate the report.
  • The Extreme Fishing XIII board should display properly now when you’re mid-reset. Good catch, Mag!
  • Halloween Spirit now works consistently with Christmas Cheer, thereby avoiding all-out war between the holidays. Thanks to Amasius on this one.
  • Joytime Products will no longer try to ship you negative Fae Plushes. Thanks Happy Yeti!
  • Also fixed up a bunch of typos thanks to Borkman, Happy Yeti, Glass, Mag, and Cryptodynamic. Yay for typo fixes!

Stay tuned for the podcast next week, in which I’ll reveal if I’m crazy enough to roll out some content before Halloween.


Back From GenCon

Monday, August 9th, 2010

So, I’m back from the best four days in gaming and caught up on bug reports. Also sick as a dog, which is how this tends to work.

  • One of the branches of David’s quest wasn’t completing properly. Thanks for the bug report, xKiv!
  • The buffs from Cinematic Dodge had been broken for a while but should be working now. Good eyes, TeKRunner!
  • The Cured Shark Hide is craftable. Good catch, Sir Cheddar!
  • Burning Ectoplasm actually does damage like it’s supposed to. Thanks Cryptodynamic!
  • On a totally unrelated note, you can no longer take negative damage from things like Burning Ectoplasm. Thanks Llamaman!
  • Fixed some quirks resting in the lake. Thanks for the bug reports, Vholes and Der Magus!

Also, thanks to Mag, Argeth, Llamaman, Vholes Piper, Cryptodynamic, Nyther, Amasius, Happy Yeti, TeKRunner, borkman, and Al for help sorting out some Survivors’ typos. So… many… typos.


Interface Updates

Friday, December 4th, 2009

We have some interface updates and an interesting bug fix today.

  • Entering chat will now automatically /who for your primary (oldest active) channel. Thanks for the suggestion, Wyrd.
  • Net targets found in searches will now have their names appear as links, saving the need to search through the list for a new site. Good suggestion Harrakan.
  • All clickable or hoverable text in the game should now give a distinct cursor to separate it from all that boring old readable text. Thanks to Wyrd and Al for this one.
  • Resolved an interesting bug where skill bonuses where being double (or, you know, octuple) counted. Thanks to DerMagus and Amasius for reporting it!
  • We’ve also got a parcel of typo fixes from Argeth, Wyrd, Caradal, Mag, and Glass. Thanks!
