Posts Tagged ‘TekRunner’

Con Catchup and Paper Mache

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Have a couple of crafting changes, along with some catchup on bug reports from the con.

First off, crafting:

  • There is now a “simple” crafting section. For the moment it just contains paper mache recipes. But that means there are paper mache recipes.
  • Also, any recipe that you know but can’t be used due to a special requirement will say as much. Thanks for the suggestion, Llamaman.

And some bug fixes:

  • Having three enemies in hacking no longer breaks targeting. I can’t imagine where Vholes Piper could have run into such vicious defenses.
  • Corrected an old bug where Hawk would try (and fail) to attack you upon joining up. Thanks for the bug report, TheManStark!
  • Fixed a few errors in the Sewer Hideout with choices giving inappropriate results. Thanks to Xerf and xKiv for reporting those.
  • Arthur won’t try to decrypt the PDA once he’s already figured it out anymore. Good catch, RazielSonofKain!
  • Corrected a problem with the Twisted Raven’s Withering Gaze, thanks to Vholes Piper.

Also corrected a parcel of typos from Metro, Vholes Piper, Llamaman, Metro, TeKRunneR, Argeth, and Tullus. Thanks everyone!


Corrections, mostly

Monday, September 27th, 2010

First off, fixed some typos thanks to Mag, Llamaman, Cryptodynamic, and TeKRunneR.

You can also now see ranks (Fishing/Chess) on your character sheet, not just your profile. Thanks for the suggestion, Durgen! Also, welcome back :)

Also caught some serious bugs on the Survivors’ side of things:

  • Lo will now respond consistently to different numbers of items handed in. Thanks Al!
  • Injecting and receiving protein code should now be working properly. Thanks for the (repeated) bug reports, Argeth!
  • Hel now responds correctly to certain evidence. Good catch, Mag!
  • Also, getting hit hard enough with a spade will no longer give you Oily Blood. Good eyes, Llamaman.


Weekend Updates

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

First off a couple of updates I mentioned on yesterday’s podcast:

  • You should now be able to make it through the abandoned buildings in the Slags Quest without combat. You’ll notice I didn’t say it was easy or straightforward. Thanks for reminding me about this, Wyrd!
  • Tweaked the difficulty of a few fights in the revamped Sewer Hideout to more closely match their old versions. Thanks for the feedback, TeKRunneR.
  • There’s now a speargun Technique hidden in the most insidious place imaginable. Thanks for nudging me on this one, Mag.

And some more suggestions:

  • The Charnel House (first time) should respond a little more cleanly to leaving and reentering the premises. Thanks, Llamaman!
  • Errors when sending messages now returns your subject and text. Thanks for the suggestion, TeKRunneR and Wyrd.
  • You can now see your day and energy count for your current reset on your character sheet until you choose your survivor. Good thought, Xerf!
  • Aqua Regia now works on the Slags Lab doors. Good call, Llamaman.

And fixed some bugs:

  • Corrected an error where you weren’t always flagged as knowing about Yggdrasil. Good catch, Llamaman. Added a bit more conversation since I was thinking about it, too.
  • Fixed a script running twice on the gang boss fight. Thanks TeKRunneR!
  • Corrected some errors with the mushroom folk in the sewers. Thanks Factitious.!
  • Sorted out a long-standing bug with the scanners. Good catch, Xerf!
  • Special underwater fights now properly stay underwater. Thanks for the bug report, Thunderbird!

We also have some typo fixes thanks to Al, Mag, GoldS, Wyrd, and Argeth! Wooooooo!

And, I’m spent.


A parcel of bug fixes

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Here’s the list of updates and bug fixes from the past weekend. Which, so far, contains shockingly few Sewer Hideout related bugs. I’ll hold my tongue for now, though :)

  • The l, s, r, and c keys now work in physical and net combat for the appropriate buttons.
  • Saber is no longer quite so unshakable. Thanks for the bug report, Llamaman!
  • Fixed several errors with Cracked Spores. Thanks Happy Yeti!
  • Corrected an issue trading with our Mushroomy friends in the sewers. Thanks for pointing that out, TeKRunneR!
  • You now need a warehouse ID rather than a liquefied Eclipse to try and swipe into the warehouse office. Don’t ask why, it’s funnier this way. And thanks to Llamaman for pestering me until I realized why some people were seeing the option properly.
  • Thanks to Mag, Happy Yeti, Glass, and TeKRunneR for shoring up some of my spelling and grammar. Hip hip hooray!
  • And a special thanks to Sir Cheddar for verifying the game worked properly from Hong Kong after we received some bug reports. Much obliged!


Weekend Labor

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Fixed an absolute boatload of typos this weekend, thanks to Mag, Nyther, Cryptodynamic, Happy Yeti, Llamaman, and Cryptodynamic.

I also sorted out some other errors, like:

  • Corrected a display bug where damage wasn’t displayed correctly using Reactive Defense. Thanks for doublechecking my math, TeKRunneR!
  • Dr. Amundsen now has a more realistic view of her chances of cracking the PDA after examining it. Thanks for the suggestion, Xerf!
  • Black Liquor now works, thanks to Argeth. In other news, Argeth has challenged Cryptodynamic’s position as reporter of all pearl-related bugs ever.
  • Practiced Step now displays differently underwater. Thanks Nyther!


On a Roll

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Actually made a bunch of updates today… might even make more later. What can I say, not being sick agrees with me :)

  • Now, when you return from a long break, a new reset option (which works like a normal reset except for leaderboard purposes) is opened up. Basically, folks who come back from a break and have no earthly idea what they were doing can reset and work from a clean slate.
  • There’s a new front page banner. Yay! Thanks to Llamaman for the suggestion and to Puyo and Lyz for the implementation.
  • A new TV season has hit Metroplex, sprinkling the shows you know and love with a liberal coating of flavor. Props to Cryptodynamic for suggesting this when I had just gotten off the fence to do it.
  • Corrected an issue with the Chained Ghoul techniques. Thanks, Mag!
  • Skulls in Flame no longer have organs. Good eyes, Llamaman!
  • Also fixed some typos thanks to Amasius, TeKRunneR, Mag, Llamaman, and Cryptodynamic.


A touch of polish

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Going through a polishing some things, a mix of bug reports and things I mentioned during yesterday’s podcast.

Here’s the list:

  • Chemistry papers work differently and give a somewhat different set of recipes. Thanks for the nudge from TeKRunneR.
  • Basically every pearl and pearl-related item in the game works properly thanks to Cryptodynamic, Lord of Pearls and Master of the Depths.
  • The Biotech and Student PDAs are now salvageable. Good suggestion, Llamaman.
  • Capacitor Arrays are now consumed rather than produced out of the ether when using the Protein Analyzer. Thanks to Plus4 and Cryptodynamic.
  • Corrected some weirdness in Dr. Amundsen’s conversations if you dove straight into the Survivors’ Quest. Good catch, TeKRunneR!
  • Fixed up some weirdness with shark attacks (being, the attacks they use not when they attack… er, yeah). Thanks for the bug report, Argeth!
  • In A Pit is now visually declared as a buff. Thanks, Al.
  • And we’ve got an interesting range of typo fixes from Llamaman, Mag, xKiv, and Glass. Thanks!


Little Fixes

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Have mostly been recovering from illness (curse you GenCon!) and the Survivors’ Quest (curse you Survivors!), but we’ve got some new fixes in place.

  • Cover Fire is being given out properly (not a broken weird copy). Thanks TeKRunner!
  • You can appropriately melt Achromatic Ingots back down with chemistry. Thanks for the chemistry madness, Vholes.
  • Most of the pearls can probably be sold now, single-handedly thanks to Cryptodynamic, Metroplex’s resident Pearl Baron.
  • Corrected a bug where you could switch gear and do all sorts of other stuff in the middle of a location-specific hacking encounter. Thanks Xerf, appreciate the report.
  • The Extreme Fishing XIII board should display properly now when you’re mid-reset. Good catch, Mag!
  • Halloween Spirit now works consistently with Christmas Cheer, thereby avoiding all-out war between the holidays. Thanks to Amasius on this one.
  • Joytime Products will no longer try to ship you negative Fae Plushes. Thanks Happy Yeti!
  • Also fixed up a bunch of typos thanks to Borkman, Happy Yeti, Glass, Mag, and Cryptodynamic. Yay for typo fixes!

Stay tuned for the podcast next week, in which I’ll reveal if I’m crazy enough to roll out some content before Halloween.


Back From GenCon

Monday, August 9th, 2010

So, I’m back from the best four days in gaming and caught up on bug reports. Also sick as a dog, which is how this tends to work.

  • One of the branches of David’s quest wasn’t completing properly. Thanks for the bug report, xKiv!
  • The buffs from Cinematic Dodge had been broken for a while but should be working now. Good eyes, TeKRunner!
  • The Cured Shark Hide is craftable. Good catch, Sir Cheddar!
  • Burning Ectoplasm actually does damage like it’s supposed to. Thanks Cryptodynamic!
  • On a totally unrelated note, you can no longer take negative damage from things like Burning Ectoplasm. Thanks Llamaman!
  • Fixed some quirks resting in the lake. Thanks for the bug reports, Vholes and Der Magus!

Also, thanks to Mag, Argeth, Llamaman, Vholes Piper, Cryptodynamic, Nyther, Amasius, Happy Yeti, TeKRunner, borkman, and Al for help sorting out some Survivors’ typos. So… many… typos.


Survivors’ Fixes and GenCon

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

I just wanted to give a hearty “thanks!” to everyone who provided feedback on the Survivors’ Quest and helped get things fixed up. My list is Sir Cheddar, Cryptodynamic, Valliant, Argeth, Mag, Happy Yeti, ThunderBird, TeKRunner, and Plus4. Sorry if I missed anyone.

Timing’s pretty good. As the bug reports are starting to slow down a touch, I’m heading to GenCon. I’ll be keeping an eye on things from there, but mostly just enjoying my vacation, so try not to request too many sweeping changes :)
